The Moneo's House opened the XX San Telmo Nights

13/04/13 Flamencomanía David Montes

After a minute of silence in memory of Antonio Garcia Molina and Manuela Mendez 'La Chati', the Peña Flamenca 'The Bulería' opened the twentieth edition of the spring cycle of song, with two artists who are called to continue the tradition singer one of the most important families that Plazuela brings to the flamenco. Antonio Fajardo Moneo 'Momito' singing and Manuel Moneo 'Barullito' playing the guitar, were responsible for introducing identity cards having the Moneo´s House, from generation to generation, in the first quotation spring of 'Nights of St. Telmo '.

Each house singer, even when they share many things in common, has singularities when interpreting the singing, ringing premiums and drones and even how to sit in a chair on stage. Starting by cantiñas that at times reminded us the letters of his uncle Juan Moneo 'El Torta', a still nervous Antonio Fajardo 'Momito' sought in levante songs - Taranta and Mineras - a bit more calm before engaging in a soleá, you can see in the video of this news, and close its first half with three letters which agreed fandangos of the greatest flamenco.

After the mandatory break, it was his turn to again tientos-tangos 'tortistas' and entered the grounds of the soleá bulerías where Barullito took him within a compass always well measured and assembled before entering the world of siguiriya. With two bulerías, dancing in the first one his daughter Sara and remembering his uncle Juan Moneo in the second, Antonio Fajardo 'Momito' left us with the body in the Bulería to give them some 'time the milkman'.

David Montes
@ Flamencomania


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